Because the world is full of better ways.

Latest Stories

Water From the Seine Is Cooling the 2024 Summer Olympics

4 min read

As part of an ambitious effort to host the first carbon-neutral Olympic games, Paris has expanded its emissions-reducing cooling system.

What We’re Reading: Child-Friendly Urban Design, Centering Indigenous Voices and More

2 min read

See what stories caught our attention this week, from city planning in Bratislava to a new way of paying respects on US national park visits.

The Maker Space Where Members Are More Than Their Pasts

6 min read

Brandon Morlock had long dreamed of building a collective space. After his time in prison, the formerly incarcerated became a vital part of his vision.

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When It Comes to Climate Change, Everything We Do Matters

6 min read

Scientists say we have all the solutions we need to limit global heating to a 1.5°C increase. So what can we, as individuals, do?

A ‘High-Tech, Low-Cost’ Approach to Community Mental Health Care in India

7 min read

Maanasis innovative, women-focused strategy has been so successful that it has already been copied in Kenya, Lithuania and elsewhere.

A Vibrant Local Food System Grows in Colorado

4 min read

GoFarm is working to make affordable healthy food more accessible while training the next generation of farmers.

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Editors’ Picks

A Monthly Ritual of Selflessness Has Transformed Rwanda

4 min read

On the last Saturday of each month, everyone stops what they’re doing and works together to improve their communities. It’s called Umuganda.

Amsterdam’s Instant Fix for Getting Rid of Junk Mail

4 min read

By only delivering it to people ask for it, the city is saving thousands of tons of paper per year.

Could a Landfill Power Your Home?

4 min read

Trash emits methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Some of the biggest landfills in the US are converting that gas into energy.

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What We’re Reading: Bee-Friendly Legislation, Door-to-Door Care and More

2 min read

See what stories caught our attention this week, from a pollinator protection milestone to a new take on the old-fashioned house call.

What We’re Reading: California’s Clean Energy, Thousand-Year-Old Trees and More

2 min read

See what stories caught our attention this week, from renewable abundance in the Golden State to Vancouver Island’s old-growth forests.

What We’re Reading: Child-Friendly Urban Design, Centering Indigenous Voices and More

2 min read

See what stories caught our attention this week, from city planning in Bratislava to a new way of paying respects on US national park visits.

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