In Thailand, Farmers Are Using an App to Reduce Smog

& 8 min read

FireD aims to limit pollution from agricultural burning — long a part of the yearly crop cycle — while shifting the blame away from farmers.

Water From the Seine Is Cooling the 2024 Summer Olympics

4 min read

As part of an ambitious effort to host the first carbon-neutral Olympic games, Paris has expanded its emissions-reducing cooling system.

What We’re Reading: Child-Friendly Urban Design, Centering Indigenous Voices and More

2 min read

See what stories caught our attention this week, from city planning in Bratislava to a new way of paying respects on US national park visits.

The Maker Space Where Members Are More Than Their Pasts

6 min read

Brandon Morlock had long dreamed of building a collective space. After his time in prison, the formerly incarcerated became a vital part of his vision.

When It Comes to Climate Change, Everything We Do Matters

6 min read

Scientists say we have all the solutions we need to limit global heating to a 1.5°C increase. So what can we, as individuals, do?

A ‘High-Tech, Low-Cost’ Approach to Community Mental Health Care in India

7 min read

Maanasis innovative, women-focused strategy has been so successful that it has already been copied in Kenya, Lithuania and elsewhere.

A Vibrant Local Food System Grows in Colorado

4 min read

GoFarm is working to make affordable healthy food more accessible while training the next generation of farmers.

What We’re Reading: California’s Clean Energy, Thousand-Year-Old Trees and More

2 min read

See what stories caught our attention this week, from renewable abundance in the Golden State to Vancouver Island’s old-growth forests.

A Dose of Inspiration: Why Doctors Are Prescribing Museum Visits

7 min read

At the French city of Lille’s Palais des Beaux-Arts, “museo-therapy” draws on the power of art to improve health and wellbeing.

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