Tonic for tumultuous times.

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What We’re Reading: Near-Extinct Mussels Have Reappeared in Paris

2 min read

See what stories caught our attention this week, from signs of mollusk life in the Seine to breastfeeding training for health workers in India.

The Revival of Germany’s Carbon-Sequestering Peatlands

7 min read

New initiatives are restoring farmlands to peatlands while creating markets for the native grasses, reeds and sedges they support.

Ethiopia’s Utopian Experiment in Gender Equality

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Awra Amba, a picturesque village surrounded by rolling verdant hills, is a vision of a world of equal work.

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Got Invasive Plants? Call a Herd of Goats

4 min read

When it comes to eradicating unwanted vegetation, these curious creatures have proven to be an earth-friendly alternative to herbicides.

What We’re Reading: ‘Plant Vaccines’ Help Plants Fight Back

2 min read

See what stories caught our attention this week, from harnessing the immune systems of crops to cooling green roofs in Brazil.

Reuse, Rejoice, Recycle: The Vibrant, Low-Waste Indian Wedding

5 min read

New and old ways to share wedding outfits and other supplies are slowly changing mindsets — while keeping the exuberance of the celebrations alive.

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Editors’ Picks

A Thriving Garden at a Former Coal Mine Is Feeding Thousands

6 min read

The Texas mine’s restoration is ongoing, but in an area with few grocery stores, the small garden is already making a big difference.

America’s Green Boom Needs More Electricians, and Women Are Stepping Up

5 min read

Only 2% of electricians are women, leaving plenty of room for growth in a field that is finding creative new ways to recruit them.

A High School for Dropouts

10 min read

A “curated” approach — including on-site childcare and academic coaching — gives adults a second chance at a diploma.

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New York’s First Guaranteed Income Program Is a Lifeline for Homeless Moms

5 min read

The simple act of cash distribution can alleviate poverty and improve health — including families’ health and early childhood development.

What We’re Reading: ‘Plant Vaccines’ Help Plants Fight Back

2 min read

See what stories caught our attention this week, from harnessing the immune systems of crops to cooling green roofs in Brazil.

How to Reach Across a Divide With Curiosity Instead of Hate

7 min read

In a Q&A, journalist Mónica Guzmán explores how people with opposing beliefs can connect and find common ground, even in polarizing times.

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