Welcome back to our weekly behind-the-scenes glimpse at what’s getting our team talking. Let us know what you think at [email protected].
Clearing the air
Global emissions of several harmful pollutants are falling — meaning, according to a story shared by RTBC Contributing Editor Michaela Haas from Our World in Data, that the planet as a whole has likely passed “peak air pollution.” Of course, that doesn’t mean emissions have peaked in every part of the world, but it’s an encouraging overall trend.
Michaela says:
It doesn’t feel like it, but air pollution is dropping worldwide. Data (usually) doesn’t lie.
Warm feelings
Almost two years after the New York City Housing Authority replaced steam radiators with 72 eco-friendly heat pumps at a Queens public housing complex, residents are pleased with the change, THE CITY reports in a story shared by Executive Editor Will Doig. The heat pump window units, which yield an estimated 87 percent energy savings compared to steam heat, will eventually be installed throughout the complex and beyond.
Will says:
New York apartments are notorious for being way too hot in the winter, due to ubiquitous steam-heat radiators that are nearly impossible to modulate. So it’s no surprise that public housing residents are giving rave reviews to the new, ultra-efficient heat pumps the city has been installing.
What else we’re reading
🔥 California tribe enters first-of-its-kind agreement with the state to practice cultural burns — shared by Audience Engagement Manager Sophie Pitt from the L.A. Times
🏙️ How Upzoning in Cambridge Broke the YIMBY Mold — shared by RTBC founder David Byrne from Bloomberg
🗳️ Michigan Law Is First to Automatically Register People to Vote As They Leave Prison – Bolts — shared by Will Doig from Bolts
In other news…
In case you missed it, last week we published a two-part series on ways that coal infrastructure is being repurposed to meet the needs of renewable energy. Read part one here and part two here.