Stephanie Castellano
Stephanie Castellano is a freelance journalist based in Gainesville, Florida. She covers solutions relating to conservation, biodiversity and climate change.
The Hidden World of ‘Hedgehog Highways’
As urbanization fragments the animals’ habitat, homeowners across the UK are creating a network of garden pathways just for them.
Farms + Food
A Wandering Conservationist’s Quest to Protect the World’s Soil
Criss-crossing the globe, one man has secured pledges from 74 countries to preserve their soil through more sustainable farming.
Climate + Environment
Your Yard Could Be a Wildlife Sanctuary
Lawns are America’s biggest irrigated crop. Converting some of them into natural habitats could do wonders for Earth’s biodiversity.
Water-Guzzling Yards Are Getting a Celebrity Makeover
A new reality series is using the HGTV method to tackle Florida’s water supply issues.