Where do we begin?

Let’s start with last night and work backward. At a packed theater in New York City, a raucous celebration shook the rafters to fête five years of Reasons to be Cheerful. For 90 surreal, peripatetic minutes, it was like watching our vibe pureed into a frothy, psilocybin-laced pineapple daiquiri. The performers were incredible. The crowd kept rising to their feet.

This is not where we thought things would end up. When we started this project in 2019, we imagined we might do it for a few years, run out of good news to report on, and close up shop. The opposite happened. The solutions kept emerging, and we kept writing about them. Now, nearly a thousand stories later, we’re looking toward the future with more optimism and hope than ever before.

Now on to the party pics…

Ellie Steingraeber
5th anniversary town hall
Ventriloquist Nina Conti and her human “dummies”
5th anniversary town hall
David Byrne and Fred Armisen
5th anniversary town hall
Gotham Park President Rosa Chang and NYC Public Realm Czar Ya-Ting Liu
5th anniversary town hall
Audience participation
5th anniversary town hall
Ingrid Hansen from SNAFU
5th anniversary town hall
David Byrne and the Brass Queens
5th anniversary town hall
Michael Thurber and Jacquelene Acevedo, members of the Reasons to be Cheerful house band
5th anniversary town hall
Fogo Azul
5th anniversary town hall
5th anniversary town hall
David Byrne
5th anniversary town hall
The farewell

All photos credit Emilio Herce (Instagram: @EmilioHerce)