Jennifer Cole
Jennifer Cole is a freelance writer based in Vancouver, Canada. She writes about everything from sustainable gardening and agriculture to nature and the role climate change is having on our lives and the food we eat.
Got Invasive Plants? Call a Herd of Goats
When it comes to eradicating unwanted vegetation, these curious creatures have proven to be an earth-friendly alternative to herbicides.
The Benefits of Gardening Just Keep Sprouting
Groundbreaking science is unearthing all sorts of surprising ways gardening is good for your health, mood and quality of life.
How Food Banks Are Making All Feel Welcome
Across North America, food charities are making an effort to stock foods that are familiar and culturally relevant to their communities.
The Land Remembers: Why Farmers Are Bringing Back ‘Prairie Potholes’
Drained over a century ago, these revitalized wetlands are becoming thriving wildlife hubs and storehouses of water for surrounding farms.